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R Learning Resources

R Learning Studio (Five Modules)

The online R Learning Studio covers beginner concepts and methods of R programming for incoming students enrolled in graduate and professional career programs at Northwestern University’s School of Professional Studies. At the end of the R Learning Studio, students will be able to load and install R packages, perform data analysis, and perform statistical analysis and data visualization using the R base system and R packages. Lessons and instruction are asynchronous and self-paced. Each module includes reading materials, demonstration videos, R Code Tutorials, and a post-test for students to measure their progress in each topic, and identify areas of additional need, if any.

MSDS 401-DL Applied Statistics with R.

This course teaches fundamentals of statistical analysis. This includes evaluating statistical information, performing data analyses, and interpreting and communicating analytical results. Students will learn to use the R language for statistical analysis, data visualization, and report generation. Topics covered include descriptive statistics, central tendency, exploratory data analysis, probability theory, discrete and continuous distributions, statistical inference, correlation, multiple linear regression, contingency tables, and chi-square tests. Selected contemporary statistical concepts, such as bootstrapping, are introduced to supplement traditional statistical methods. Recommended prior course: MSDS 400-DL Math for Data Scientists.

Students benefit by taking the R Learning Studio prior to taking this course.

Many courses in the Analytics and Modeling specialization use R as the primary programming language.

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